Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Less Tolerance, More Hate I Tell You!

I saw someone post recently about a crappy situation and someone said in the comments they “aren’t supposed to hate, so I don’t like.........”

This comment was very benign and from someone I admire. It just got me thinking… (oh Lordy, watch out!)
We live in such an ironic world where hatred is hatred is taboo. It’s a good sentiment but in reality, if the world had more hatred in it, we’d be better off.
Stick with me.
To hate the right things means you’re opening room to love the right things. Problem is… our world more and more hates what is right in deference to what is evil. The yin-yang has now become a yang-yin. We’re backwards.
Hate is not a bad word when directed where it should. In that respect, it’s much like a gun (which, similarly, many don’t seem to understand that as well). It’s a powerful and useful tool with a specific purpose meant to keep people safe. But, when used inappropriately, can cause unspeakable damage and pain.
God, Jehovah, hated.
The God of Love… Love Incarnate… hated. Don’t let people tell you otherwise.
He just never hated his own creation… people. And this is another fundamental example of how ungodlike we are. We sure don’t love like God does, but don’t even know how to hate correctly.
What does God hate?
Proverbs 6:16-19
There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.
Proverbs 8:13
To fear the Lord is to hate evil; I (God) hate pride, and arrogance, and the evil way, and the perverse mouth.
Proverbs 21:27
The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to God; how much more when he brings it with a wicked mind?
Proverbs 3:31-32
Do not envy a man of violence and do not choose any of his ways. For the devious are an abomination to the LORD; But He is intimate with the upright.
Proverbs 3:6-7
Listen to me! For I have important things to tell you. Everything I say is right,  for I speak the truth and detest every kind of deception.
Proverbs 11:1
A false balance is an abomination to the LORD, but a just weight is His delight.
Proverbs 11:20
Those with twisted minds are detestable to the LORD, but those with blameless conduct are His delight.
Proverbs 12:22
Lying lips are detestable to the LORD, but faithful people are His delight.
Proverbs 15:8-9
The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD, but the prayer of the upright is His delight. The way of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD, but He loves him who pursues righteousness.
Proverbs 15:26
Evil plans are an abomination to the LORD, But pleasant words are pure.
Proverbs 16:4-5
The LORD has made everything for its own purpose, even the wicked for the day of evil. Everyone who is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD; Assuredly, he will not be unpunished.
Proverbs 16:12
It is an abomination for kings to commit wicked acts, for a throne is established on righteousness.
Proverbs 17:15
He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous, both of them alike are an abomination to the LORD.
Proverbs 20:10
Differing weights and differing measures, both of them are abominable to the LORD.
Proverbs 21:12
The righteous wisely considers the house of the wicked, but God overthrows the wicked for their wickedness.
Proverbs 20:23
Differing weights are an abomination to the LORD, and a false scale is not good.
Proverbs 28:9-10
He who turns away his ear from listening to the law, even his prayer is an abomination. Whoever causes the righteous man to go astray in an evil way, he himself shall fall into his own pit, but the upright shall inherit good.
Proverbs 29:27
An unjust man is detestable to the righteous, and one whose way is upright is detestable to the wicked.
And these are just from one book of the Bible… It’s not an exhaustive list.
Hatred has become a taboo word because it is synonymous with people… and not sin. And in this PC world, the last thing we want to be accused of is hatred. It’s a brand no one wants. A label everyone fears. Heck, the branding of hatred has twisted the minds of many Christians and hushed them into a corner, fearing the vitriol for speaking their minds for being intolerant, sometimes even from other Christians. (It’s happened to me…)

(Newsflash: Christianity is NOT a tolerant faith. Those who tell you otherwise don’t understand it. Tolerance and love are very different. Sin cannot be tolerated. The person can (and should) be loved. But the world doesn’t even know what love is anymore. They tie it to tolerance when in fact, it is very often quite the opposite).
And that parenthetical statement is the core of the problem… if you don’t tolerate something, you’re a ‘hater’. But when society tells you what to tolerate, by definition you’ve taken your eyes (and heart) off what God says. What society says to hate, ALMOST by definition contradicts what God tells us to hate. And what’s even sadder, is that there are some really good people who have it wrong.
This is the ultimate dilemma of our time as Christians…living in a world that has twisted tolerance and hatred, truth and falsehood, righteousness and sin, love and acceptance.
What one generation tolerates, the next embraces. And when it comes to sin, tolerance is the slippery slope and the exact reason our world keeps continues tumbling down that slope, picking up speed. 

So the Cliff’s Notes version of all this? God hates sin. This world has put sin and tolerance on a pedestal.  Kick that pedestal over with love and the hatred of things God hates.
And I’ve said before, this twisting is filtering down into the minds of young Christians. Most seem more concerned with what the world thinks than what God says because if they don’t, they are ‘haters’. It’s the scarlet letter of our time. And young people will do everything they can to run from the label. They’ve been indoctrinated into a society teaching us to value man’s opinion more than God’s. Be mindful if you’ve fallen into that trap. We all have and we all do. The only way out is to first recognize it. 
It’s always been that way of course. That’s humanity. But, never in human history has there been the ability to inflict so much immediate scorn than we do now. Welcome to the social media age.
This world rebels against Godly truth. And the truth is God hates evil. And He defines evil in many different ways. But, when that definition steps on our toes, we reject it as outdated, intolerant, misinterpreted, and extreme. We refuse to admit it for what it really is. We know we aren’t perfect, but too often we refuse to admit where we really ARE imperfect. We only want to admit the things we are willing to change… and it’s often the things we AREN’T willing to admit that holds us back.
We have an extreme faith. But God has extreme love.
I’ve talked about Christian love before, but the one thing it’s not is tolerant of sin. It can’t be. And once you tell someone what they’re doing is wrong (sinful), natural instinct and defense mechanisms unleash.

The first is usually pointing out how imperfect YOU are when you mention something. If they have any Biblical knowledge, they’ll spout some version of Matthew 7:5 (cast out the plank in your own eye before talking to someone else about their own sin), probably not aware of Colossians 3:16, which tells us to admonish each other in love. (But if you can’t comprehend what ‘in love’ really means, of course that verse gets ignored!)
Yes, there’s some context missing in all this, but good grief, this is a blog, not a dissertation. 
The point is, when we get offended, we lash out. It takes a Godly maturity not to do so… and this world is full of ungodly people and Christian babies.
Which brings me to the next generation(s). We’ve built them a world and society that tells them to hate and love the wrong things. But what’s even sadder… they may have no choice in order to function in the future world. It will take the brave, hard-core grounded, steadfastly faithful to keep a Godly view and not a tolerant, worldly one. And by brave, I mean people who are willing to suffer a bit for their faith when success and prosperity might be on the flip side.
Fellow Christians… don’t examine the Bible based on what you want it to say. It’s God’s Word, not yours.

Be self-aware enough to know God’s Word is true even when it hurts our sensibilities and feelings. If something in there offends you, don’t hate it. Examine why. Change your mindset and heart to His. Embrace the lesson and understand the end goal is to make God’s will and God’s truth our own… not the other way around.
Hate sin. Recognize it and don’t tolerate it in yourself. Don’t tolerate in those you love. Don’t tolerate it in society. Fight (in love) for what is right.

Love people. Build relationships with them so they know your views on what is sin isn’t from self-righteousness, but out of Godly love.
Less tolerance. More hatred.
Love yourself enough to be self-aware enough to find your own sin. If we as Christians would tolerate less sin in our own lives, the world would start seeing the sin in theirs. But, when they see us as Christians not caring about it, why on Earth or Heaven should they?
The problem with hatred today is society is so twisted, it hates what is good and loves what is sinful.
Don’t be ashamed to hate. Just make sure to hate what needs hating.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

March on!

So there are walk-outs happening throughout our schools across the country. But for what?

Gun control? Not really, but for some, probably.

Stopping gun violence? Kinda, yeah.

To find an excuse to skip class? For some, definitely.

I won’t rehash what I wrote a couple weeks ago about how change is coming and this is the generation at the forefront of it. But, regarding these walk-outs, I’m fascinated by some of the opinions I see.

But most all of them I’ve seen are from adults. Who don’t go to school.

I’ve seen some teachers chime in with good points on all sides of the issue.

But, of those who think these walk-outs are stupid and pointless, I find it interesting they are all from adults. I’m sure there are some kids who do as well. I’m not dumb enough to think I’ve seen the entire gamut of opinions here. But, as adults, we’ve conditioned ourselves to think we know better, so we just shut down and ignore the voice of the young. And if history has proven one thing, it’s marginalized voices eventually get fed up and force themselves to be heard.

What does it accomplish? Sometimes nothing. Sometimes something.

But it reminds me of a verse I learned in Jr. High from Benny Proffitt. (Some of you may know him/of him).

1 Timothy 4:12: Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.

For this ‘movement’ to gain traction, I do believe it has to be rooted in good speech, good conduct, love, faith and purity.

But, just because someone is young, doesn’t mean they are always wrong at the expense of adult opinion.

It may change nothing, but who are we to stomp out their voice and flame? Maybe part of the problem we created in the world they live in was because we never acted on our convictions when WE were young. We keep saying the world is getting worse and worse… why snuff out their desire to make it better before life proves they can’t? It goes beyond the issue at hand. It’s a concept. Gun violence in schools is just the backdrop to a larger discussion and movement of having their voices heard and respected.

Who are we to deny them developing a voice. Our might have been snuffed out when we were younger and the only thing that changed as we grew up is this world got more messed up. Maybe this next generation will screw things up even worse. But we can’t pray for change and then knock the podium away from those willing to speak toward change. We can’t be saying the children are the future then deny them the right to make it theirs. Children are the future. But it’s their future. We had our chance and our present is the future we made for ourselves back then. They deserve the right to create their future-turned-present.

Most of the fear of ‘their future’ stems from our fear of what that future will be. That’s why they need adult guidance. There’s a fire in youth that usually gets snuffed by the adulting world. Let them embrace what youth really can do before adulthood grips them and doesn’t let go.

Bills. Responsibilities. Jobs. Dumb Presidents.

All these things and more eventually weigh down and turn our youth into adulthood. By then, it’s usually too late. That fire has to be harnessed and controlled… and guided. If it’s just chaotic, then it’s our fault for allowing it. But, you can either be scared of that fire and put it out or turn it the direction it should go and watch it burn what needs burning and spare what needs sparing. Because when they become adults, that fire will probably burn less hot too. But if we teach them by our actions now that their voice doesn’t matter… if we water down their fire out of fear, then that’s our problem that we are shoving down their throats.
We may have done that with the national debt. We don’t need to do it in every other way too.

Don’t be scared of change… step up and in to help guide it.

Recapture some of the fire YOU had when you were young and didn’t know what you know now about life.

If you’re worried (or just carry the opinion) that this will do nothing or these kids are just getting out of class, etc… then look for ways to educate them on the issue. They are a captive audience. They may initially reject it… but who can blame them? All they see from most adults is people telling them to shut up and sit down. But, once they trust you, they’ll be sponges to trusted guidance.

Some won’t. Obviously. Some are knuckleheads. But, there’s enough sincerity in the cause to make plenty of noise. Noise that can turn into coherent sound and a true voice if it’s guided appropriately.

Will the walk-outs themselves accomplish anything? Probably not. But it lets those in power know they deserve a seat at the table we set for them.

It doesn’t mean they control the conversation… or outcomes. It teaches them what they can and can’t control, actually. But, at minimum, it’s a lesson in what it really takes to enact meaningful change and at most, actual change for the better will happen.

If we are raising them to be good adults, we can’t say something must change and then deny those most impacted a voice.

That’s not good adulting.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

My brain is random.

1)      Know the worst part of giving blood or having blood drawn? The stupid Band-Aid on your arm hair. That sucker’s gotta come off at some point, man…

2)      It’s amazing the toll stress takes on a body. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally.

3)      Couple stress with diabetes and you’ve got yourself a Molotov Cocktail of a mess. Ain’t nothin’ safe…

4)      Why do fast food burgers all taste so different? (Other than Burger King, who flame-cooks theirs). It’s meat, bread, cheese and fixin’s. The fact McDonalds, Whataburger, Wendy’s, Sonic, etc taste so different should really be cause for concern.

5)      Same with fries, beyond the level of salt used.

6)      What age do you most often say to yourself, “If I knew then what I know now…” Is it early 40’s? And what age would you go back to to inform yourself what you didn’t know that you now do? (follow that?)

7)      Is there anything in this world that has gotten more people in trouble than sex? There are a myriad reasons to keep it between husband and wife. Simplicity is an underrated one.

8)      Ever think to yourself how you missed real friendship opportunities in school with some of the Facebook friends you have now?

9)      Ever wonder to yourself how you actually WERE friends in high school with some of your Facebook friends? Lol

10)   Driving southbound on I-35, just past UNT is a Hooters restaurant. Just in front of that is a billboard for Buccees coming soon. It says “It’s a Beaver”… I wonder if they thought about that placement or just hysterical coincidence.

11)   Jordyn actually pointed that out to me. I didn’t make a big deal out of it… hoping she didn’t interpret it the same way my brain did.

12)   I forgot how much work a puppy is.

13)   If you feel you’re one to often be misunderstood, make sure to give other people the benefit of the doubt. You may be misunderstanding THEM too.

14)   Funyuns really are kinda fun.

15)   Having regrets in this life is natural. Having the same regrets really shouldn’t be.

16)   If you don’t have regrets, you haven’t learned from your mistakes.

17)   Our mistakes may often make us who we are, but I believe there’s no person who’s the top possible version of themselves.

18)   That’s why I wish I knew then what I know now.

19)   Do you think God orchestrated certain Biblical events with the purpose they would be in the Bible?

20)   I wonder how much Biblical truth we don’t understand because we don’t dive into the true context of the time period. That way, we could then create the same mental context it was intended vs. saying it no longer applies.

21)   What’s harder? Forgiving others or yourself?

22)   When life has you down, how often do you feel it’s some sort of punishment?

23)   When you’re high on life, how often do you feel it’s something you deserve?

24)   At what point does vanity turn into narcissism?

25)   What’s your passion?

26)   How much time do you spend chasing it?

27)   So, is it really your passion?

28)   I think we all think we are all smarter than we really are.

29)   I wonder if I’m wrong about that.

30)   Do you wish you were more positive? What events must occur for you to be positive if you aren’t?

31)   You know it doesn’t really work that way, right?

32)   If you look at models of the Big Bang, you see that the expansion of the universe shoots outward like it’s being pushed in one direction. What kind of explosion only pushes one direction and not in all directions? Based on scientific theory, there must be SOMETHING that prevented a 360-degree explosion, no?

33)   What planet would you like to visit most? Why?

34)   Someone in my office steals gum off my desk. I’m going to buy some gag-gift gum and give them a surprise.

35)   Did you know dogs will often yawn when you do? It’s a psychological display that they are connected to you.

36)   Embarrassing moments for men? Getting a haircut and they ask if you want your eyebrows trimmed.

37)   Worse? Trimming your ear hair without even asking.

38)   I’m so glad I can’t read minds.

39)   Would you rather be able to read someone else’s thoughts at all times or have them be able to read yours?

40)   Do you find yourself a little depressed when you’re being introspective or a little more at peace?

41)   Which non-family member is most responsible for who you are?

42)   If you’re a believer, do you think you’d have been a believer in Christ during his time?

43)   Or do you think it’s somehow easier to believe now?

44)   Used Band-Aids gross me out.

45)   I’m listening to women talk about their gynecology visits… making jokes, being crude. I want to leave.

46)   My ears are having a #metoo moment.

47)   Would you take a pill that gave you all the nutrients and calories in perfect portion vs actually eating a meal and probably overeating?

48)   My thoughts are moving from what I want to be when I grow up to WHO do I want to be?

49)   I wish I’d thought of that then… long before now.

50)   Which of these statements hit you the most?

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

You're Not Going to Like This...

Some of you aren’t going to like this… which means it probably applies to you most.

God loves Nikolas Cruz.
Just as much as He loves you.

One of the biggest lies Satan has sold (successfully) is that our sins are ok while the REAL evil people deserve what they get. And it’s an effective lie because it feeds directly into what may be the most dangerous human attribute: our pride.

“If I’m not THAT bad, then I’m ok.” That mindset is destroying those who profess themselves as Christians. There is nothing further from Biblical truth than that mindset. It flies in the face of everything God tells us. It’s the perfect lie.

That comparison to the extreme is stripping away what should be a simple Biblical truth: For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)


I sin daily. You do too. And each single sin is enough to create an unpassable chasm to God. Which is where John 3:16 comes in.

For God so loved the world that he gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.

The world. (That includes you, me, and Nikolas Cruz).

It’s easy to skim past certain words in that verse, because it’s turned cliché. The meaning of the verse gets lost in familiarity. It shouldn’t. It may be a simple truth, but it’s impact is deep, deep, deep.

We are no more deserving of God’s love than Cruz is. And our human minds struggle with that. Mine sure does. But, that nature is what separates God’s love from our own. It doesn’t make sense.

But, if God can love Nikolas Cruz enough to send Jesus for him (and I’ve outlined proof that He does), then that means He loves you too in your own imperfection.

You can’t out-sin God’s love or forgiveness. You just can’t. Because if you could, there would have been no reason to send His Son. Why would He send Jesus to live in this messed up world, suffer, and die if it wouldn’t be enough to account for all sin? Just from a logic perspective, that makes no sense. So, God loves and forgives sinners. That’s what He does. That’s who He is.

But, we like to create an additional layer in that simple, yet strange truth: Ourselves.

If you’re anything like me, forgiving myself is often harder than forgiving others. And forgiving others isn’t always easy.

“But you don’t know what I’ve done… who I’ve hurt.”

No, but God does and that’s EXACTLY why He sent Jesus. Exactly why.

If He sent Jesus for all the perfect people, He wouldn’t have in the first place. No one’s sin is better than yours. (Or worse). Don’t listen to anyone who tells you differently. Imperfection defines hypocrisy. Don’t be afraid to chase the Christian truth because you see nothing but sinful Christians. Of course you do! But, look to those who acknowledge their sin instead of rationalize it. Don’t reject Christian belief because you’re measuring it against imperfect people. Measure it against the one it’s built upon.

What you’ve done? God still loves you. You’re not bad enough to escape His love. You’re just not. If Nikolas Cruz isn’t, you sure aren’t.

The self-loathing we feel when we mess up (big or small)? God still loves us. We can hate ourselves and God is still standing there with open arms, wanting to embrace us.

It makes no sense. But it shouldn’t. That’s why He’s God and we aren’t.

If we can agree Billy Graham was a decent enough guy, just know he sinned too. He needed God just as much as you. Good people don’t get to Heaven. Forgiven people do. Once that truth hits, we can’t help BUT to love God back in appreciation.

If you are one to struggle with this truth, which is understandable, even Graham himself said, “I’ve never known a man who received Christ and ever regretted it.”

I guess the purpose of this rambling, preachy post is to remind Christians to act like it. And to let those interested in Christianity (but abhor most Christians) know you are forgivable. You are loved. You are accepted. Don’t let your loathing for yourself or imperfect Christians skew these truths.

If God can love Nikolas Cruz, He can love you too.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

My 100% Guarantee... Change is Coming

So I had a small conversation with Val this morning about societal changes. It revolved around the Florida students in protest for stricter gun laws, but it opened up a much deeper point.

Regardless of what you think needs changing on an individual basis, it seems a lot of the same issues we’ve been battling over the last 20 years haven’t budged. I don’t have any research behind me, but just thinking things through and using what I know of human nature, I posit that in 20-30 years, this country (and world) will be nearly unrecognizable. That may be good. That may be bad.

But, the Baby Boomers have been running this country (and they obviously raised my Generation, Gen-X). They were of a specific mindset, which in turn obviously helped shape ours.

(I’m not interested in arguing if these mindsets are correct or not. And also… don’t take offense if I say something negative about your generation. It’s not personal. It’s VERY broad, on a macro-level. I’m not attacking anyone. Everything below is based on generality, so put down your pitchforks)

As society has shifted, the Boomers played a large role in that shift. They brought us Flower Power and peace and love and the sexual revolution. They upset a much more conservative society than most of us have ever experienced. They fought the civil rights movement with MLK. Their generation changed the world in a lot of good (and bad) ways. Translation… progress isn’t always good.

But, their time of youth certainly shifted the culture of America.

Moving onto Gen-X, I think we largely perpetuated that model. We grew up looking for an identity that, ultimately, rooted itself in hard work and persistence. We grew up in a major technological shift in the world (internet). We just had no idea how deep that rabbit hole would go. Also, those who fought WW2 passed along a patriotism to the Boomers. They in turn, passed down much of that to us, while at the same time watching the country we’ve been taught to love turn into one to make us question why?

But, as Gen-Xers, we aren’t really at the age to do THAT much about it because we’re straddling what we were taught vs what we see this country becoming. And the ironic factor is it’s not politically based. Both liberals and conservatives (and even moderates) all think this country and its leaders are messed up. If everyone thinks everyone else has messed the country up, it’s clear we want to love our country but can’t agree on how or why.

The key factor here, though, is I think we’ve not handled that straddling very well. While we are patriotic, it’s by proxy and largely not through experience. We haven’t done a good job passing that down to the next generation because we grew up in a time where national pride centered around how great we are, not because we saved the world from the Nazis. (And we wonder why younger generations are entitled…. It’s because we’ve given them no perspective to be otherwise!) Our national accomplishment was rooted more in entertainment and athletics than worldwide saviorhood.

Fast forward and let time and ‘progress’ take root. We now have a nation with so many problems, it’s easier to count what’s right about American than what is wrong. Why would Millennials and younger be patriotic for a nation they deem to be so flawed? And those flaws were caused by the two generations prior. In their minds, the curtain has been rolled back and they don’t have the frame of reference to know why America is the best country in the world because they haven’t seen it.

They’ve seen a new round of racial tension. Old rich white guys ruining the economy out of greed. Gun violence. Hatred for all sorts of groups. Political embarrassment.  They’ve seen the creations of the Boomers and Gen-X ruin a country they are told to love. Boomers and Gen-Xers have covered the country in a film of sludge while telling them how beautiful it used to be. They’re starting to see through it.

This planet is at a precipice. The technological age has changed us and the world. It brought us together in ways never before, but only to give us the tools to tear each other apart in ways history never predicted. The internet age because the information age which has become the social media age. And it’s happened to fast, there is/was no way to let the change occurring trickle out. That water was flooding our lives faster than we can/could control it. This new age has given us lots but has taken away a lot too.

But in the midst of it all, Millennials and younger were given something no other generation really before had en masse: A voice.

When Boomers wanted something, it took time for their movements to take root. When they did, it was world changing, but it was slow. We as Gen-Xers created a solution, but didn’t quite know how to utilize it and honestly, had very little cause to find our voices. We created the tools and then wondered what to do with them.

But Millennials and younger have/are growing up with it. Even when no one wants to hear it, they have a voice… and they’re learning how to use it. Using their voice IS their culture.

All this is preamble to tell anyone asking if/when ‘x’ will change… Change is coming. Hard and fast. And honestly, I’m guessing the pendulum is going to swing waaaay too far. But, that’s actually a different topic around what needs to change and why.

But why do I 100% guarantee change is coming? I’m an AccidentalGenius, of course. ;)

Right now, the Boomers are beginning to leave the workforce/positions of power and Gen-X is taking the mantle. (Good or bad) It’s our turn to rule the world. And those in power don’t relinquish it willingly.

At any point in time, there are typically two ruling generations: Those 35-50 and those 50-70. As those two groups reluctantly relinquish ‘power’, the younger generation backfills.

In about 20-30 years, (assuming artificial intelligence hasn’t created our own version of Skynet/Terminator… and I’m only kind of joking) you’ll see a world driven by Millennials and the I-Gen. These guys want change. They know the change they want. They know how to use their voice. And when they get the opportunity, then, and only then, do I think you’ll see true change in this country.

Now, all this will be buttressed against those happy with the status quo. They won’t be able to hold back the tidal wave.

There’s a lot of depth I could go into as to what that could mean… but, I fear it. Not because I fear change, but because I fear the example we’ve set as Gen-Xers and Boomers is a poor one. We’ve not instilled the things we say are important to us. We’ve said what’s important, but we haven’t instilled it. Millennials may be the entitled generation and the I-Gen may be snacking on Tide Pods, but WE are the ones who raised them. We are the ones who taught them. They really are a reflection of us… and most of us don’t want to admit it.

Many of these Tide Pod-munchers are going to change this world, assuming they live long enough to. But we’ve created such a world in need of so much change, we haven’t taught them the right perspective on where to stop. We haven’t taught them balance or moderation. Or, apparently, common sense.

So when it becomes the Millennials and I-Gen power-years, change WILL happen. I 100% believe our country will be unrecognizable in 25-30 years because of it. The perfect storm is building and it’s going to slam hard.

Maybe this is the natural order of things. Maybe this dynamic has played out through history over and over. But, I think the perfect storm of voice, opportunity, and areas in need of change is on the horizon. Many things in need of change will actually change. But will they have the wisdom and discernment to know what and how much? THAT, my friends, is a prayer we all need to adopt and repeat over and over until we’re gone.

Change is coming.

I just fear it’ll go too far. If there’s one thing humanity, regardless of generation, has shown, it’s we don’t know when to stop until it’s too late. And we’ve created a world for them void of much Godly direction.


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Word up!


I stopped being a resolution guy a few years back when I kept looking at back at my lists year over year and seeing the same things over and over.

Either I wanted to keep accomplishing the same things… or I wasn’t accomplishing anything at all. So, my lists turned into regretful good intentions with no follow-through.

If success breeds more success… then I was succeeding at failing. And that cycle got (gets) old. And apparently my tolerance of it had a huge reservoir.

 Last year, instead of goals or resolutions, I shifted to a ‘word’ for the year. It’s largely semantics, I guess, but the ‘word’ serves a much larger, broader concept. It’s not about a list of checked off items as much as an overriding directive for the year. A focus. A driving theme.

Last year, my word was ACTION. It was about not lying around and expecting life to come to me. Go out and DO. Get off my butt and do more than just exist. Now, I had specific areas where I wanted this ACTION to revolve and take me. Looking back on 2017, while I certainly wasn’t perfect, I DID try to put that word to good use.

Some major things didn’t happen, partially because of fear (lack of faith), some because of missed opportunity (my fault) and some because of laziness (go figure). But, you don’t hit 100% of the balls you don’t swing at and I hit a few.

I wanted to get involved in a men’s Bible study and in July, I found one with a great group of guys. I’m looking forward to it starting back up in 2018. I also began serving in the youth again at my church. There’s still a very long, hard story there that may get written some time, but I finally pushed through and decided to ACT on that calling.

There were other, more minor victories. But hey, any victory for me is a defeat for the opposition of inactivity, so I’ll take what I can get.

But, as I looked back, I noticed a disturbing trend. One I should have planned for, but hey, experience is the best teacher, right? I definitely tried to ACT on more things, but I discovered I left lots of things unfinished. I’d start something but wouldn’t finish. And in some circumstances, it cost me money, opportunity, accomplishment, and even direction and progress.

I realized I became King of Unfinished Business. I’m not putting that on my resume.

I had all these good intentions and started many things… but completed so few. It actually reminded me of a situation in my job a couple years ago where I had a ton of projects working. It felts like I was working hard but accomplishing nothing. I was spread so thin, I would push each forward incrementally, but they took forever to complete. Some were my fault. Others were reliant on other people… but the parallel fits. A lot of work getting done with little to show by way of results.

All this made it pretty easy to pick my word for 2018: FINISH (as opposed to FINNISH for you crazy folks from Finland).

There’s a certain amount of discipline it takes to start a new venture or process. Foremost, it takes planning. Without a plan, it’s just aimless wandering. And aimless wandering rarely leads you to your destination.  It’s an interesting analogy because so often this year I even used the words in my own head ‘I feel lost’. That’s a heavy statement with many tendrils, but the core of it is I was wandering aimlessly… thinking if I started something, I was good. My focus was only half right.


Nothing gets accomplished if you don’t see it through. I take that back. What gets accomplished is maybe worse than not starting something at all. By not finishing, you chip away at confidence because you haven’t proved to yourself you can see things through. Anyone can start something. I can START a marathon… but I sure as heck ain’t finishing one right now. They key is to know where you can push yourself and where you can’t. So, self-awareness is paramount.

If something is worth starting in 2018, it’s worth finishing. Whether that’s a project to work on the back yard, a class I’m taking, a health-related goal or even just a book. The ‘what’ doesn’t matter. WHATever it is… Finish.

Now, the danger to a word like this is really examining yourself to ensure you don’t start something you have no real intention of finishing, so it can lead to inactivity. So, the two words work in conjunction with each other: ACTION and FINISH.

Newsflash: I’m not the most disciplined person. I’m hoping a word like FINISH will help keep me focused to finish things even when I don’t want to. If ACTION is the jumpstart, FINISH is the fuel to drive me forward to conclusion.

I’d appreciate your prayers this year. If you think of me, just say a quick prayer for me. Be as generic or specific as you want. I’ll do the same for you.

A tangible reflection of that is wishing every friend I have on FB a happy birthday. It’s simple. It’s easy. But it also forces me to think of you all and say a prayer for you. I may miss you by a day, but if you don’t hear from me, call me out. I’m cool with it. It’s something I’m going to start…

And I won’t stop until I finish.