Friday, August 3, 2012

Use your voice!

I've gotten lots of feedback, good, bad and apparently really bad (my account was temporarily suspended somehow), on my take regarding this whole Chick-Fil-A thing... Enjoy my response on all this:

As odd as it sounds, I've actually held my tongue quite a bit on this whole Chick-Fil-A thing. I haven't shared my thoughts on gay marriage or even really what Chick-Fil-A said, although it's pretty obvious where I stand. Although, I actually have a slightly different take on it than anyone I've heard. I may or may not share that at some point.

The paramount issue to me though is our voice. Ever since I became aware of such things, I've heard (and seen) the Christian voice get pushed down. Every group can have a voice. Somehow, it's ok to be for/against most anything as long as it's 'progressive'. But increasingly, when a Christian speaks up for Christian values, the attacks come relentless and from all directions, sometimes even from other Christians.

The vast majority of anything I wrote on August 1 had more to do with the importance of a Christian voice speaking up and being heard than anything else. Arguing for/against gay marriage on Facebook is pointless. That's the social line in the sand and those on each side have no intention of crossing over. I had some good discussions that teetered on turning ugly. Thankfully, they didn't stay that way. But, as a born again Christian, it's time to take a stand for what I believe.

Being a Christian does not mean being walked over. And standing up for what you believe does not equal being combative. And disagreeing with people doesn't make you a bigot. It IS possible to have conversations with people you disagree with on issues you don't agree on. It may not always be fun... But, if it's done with mockery, hatred, condescension or distrust, then only damage gets done and Christ is put in a human light, not a Godly one.

As born again Christians, we are behind the 8-ball there, because so many will employ these tactics. But, if you slip (or conciously choose to) and argue as they do, you're no longer acting 'Christian', therefore you've just ruined your own credibility/testimony. We are held to a higher standard. In one way, we should be... but the repercussions of not meeting that standard 100% of the time are exaggerated and only confirm non-Christian belief about us.

Sadly, we've done more damage to our own cause than anyone else ever could. Then you have people doing things 'in the name of Christ' that are so detestable, of course there's a cult of personality going on. Unless you ARE one, the world doesn't have a good idea any more of what it means to be a Christian. And for the ones who actually are, our faith is measured by our imperfection instead of the one we say we follow (Christ.)

Many points sadden me about these issues, but what may bother me the most are Christians who don't recognize the importance of what's going on. Who refuse to understand how NOT speaking up and NOT standing up only neuters our voice. This isn't an issue about chicken and it goes far beyond constitutional free speech. To me, the largest issue is whether the Christian community will finally rise up, speak up and live up to our calling. A stand must be taken. If the rallying point for all this is a chicken sandwich, then so be it. History and eventual futures were forever changed by a burning bush. A tasty chicken sandwich might as well serve the same purpose.

But it must be done in love. It cannot be done by attacking others. That said, there IS a time to say enough is enough.

Our voice is important. You can't sit and gripe about God being taken out of the country if you're unwilling to recognize a clear opportunity to do something about it. If by speaking up, you fear you are driving a wedge between 'both sides', then that's rubbish. Speaking in hatred will expand that wedge, but come on people... THE TRUTH IS THE WEDGE!!!

Ever hear the saying "The truth hurts"? We all want to live in a world where there is no absolute truth, so it's ok for use to have different versions of it. Truth is not an opinion. They all aren't valid. To a born again Christian, the truth is what we've put faith in. We believe our eternity depends on that truth. If you want to accept versioned truth, then by definition, you automatically reject John 14:6 and Matthew 7:13. And if you're going to reject that, then what rationale do you use to accept John 3:16 or any other verse you think sounds nice?

Truth is black and white. In binary terms... 1 and 0. East and West. Light and Dark. One can't be the other. Just because society says that's an outdated concept doesn't make it so. And there's no reason to be ashamed of that. It may bring you attacks. But, don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe in the face of them. Matthew 5:10 tells us we are blessed when persecuted. Take solace and be encouraged by that. If something is right, no amount of societal pressure should change that. The Bible is God's Word... Not majority rules.

I had a friend remind me of that and encourage me in that. Thank you, Clarissa. I'm tough skinned enough to dig my feet into the ground and not worry that others disagree... but her message to me was an absolute blessing and affirmation.

It's easy to be strong when you're not opposed. Strength reveals itself against opposition. Be strong and stay strong. Don't buckle because others have. And if you have, reach up and don't give up.

It is a Christian's duty to uphold, live and share the truth. It's not our duty to make sure people believe it. That's God's job. Those that don't believe it are of course going to be offended by it. Truth doesn't require anyone to believe it. It just is.

But just because someone is offended by what we believe does not mean we stop believing it or stop standing up for it. The issue to me isn't gay marriage. That's a symptom. A bullet point in a much larger conceptual discussion.

Look, I know my beliefs aren't going to convert a non-believer. I'm not dumb enough to think my Facebook ramblings are that powerful. What I DO hope, is that something I say, or the passion I say it with, will help relight a fire in someone to stand up unabashedly and use their Christian voice. I haven't bashed 'the other side'. I haven't attacked them. I support my side. If my unwavering support is by default an attack, then I can't change that since I don't see it that way.

I'm not perfect. Anyone reading this knows that and can point to a million times where I've proven my imperfection. But, the older I get, I begin to realize how important it is to be part of something larger than myself. I can no longer passively sit by and watch my God, my Christ, my faith get mocked and pretend it's not happening. The main reason the Christian voice has been minimized is because we've passively allowed it. We let others fight battles that have chipped away at Christian influence.

The temperature has slowly risen in the societal pond and now we're too weak to do anything about it. I say it's time we figure out how to change that. Through love. Through consistent Christian living. And through our voice.

I have other thoughts. They may come out at some time. But, if you are born again, don't let your voice be swallowed. Don't let it be marginalized. Don't be ashamed of it.

And if you like chicken sandwiches, I know a place...


  1. Very good Sammy. Truth is what it is, Absolute. Just like my friend Jack said, "Some people can't handle it." (Paraphrased). Some just don't get it because they don't want to. Maybe because they are afraid of it. At times it scares me but it is what it is. I like to think of real truth as "Holy Truth."

  2. Very well put! Thanks for your thoughts. It was very encouraging!!


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