Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Who's Stupid Now?

We are Americans and we have a fascination with stupid.

How else do you explain Honey Boo Boo?
Or Dorito-shell Tacos?
Or Spongebob Squarepants?
Or American Idol?
Or the Democratic Party?
Or thinking guns kill people instead of stupid, deranged and/or evil people?
Or states suing sperm donors to lesbian couples?
Or $10,000 rims on a $1,000 car?
Or having 15 kids out of wedlock and expecting someone 'to be accountable' other than yourself?
Or tucking your boobs into your shirt and going to Wal-Mart? (You know you've seen than pic...)
Or Jack-Ass movies? (I admit, I'm guilty...)
Or how we care about Tom Cruise weirding out on Oprah?
Or how we all assume homeless people are lazy alcoholics instead of maybe, JUST maybe assuming they are down on their luck?
Or how we we now seem to automatically assume the worst in people than the best? (Or maybe the worst in people IS the best?)
Or how a family will struggle to put food on a table, but pay thousands of dollars for season tickets? Or iPads? Or Playstations? Or Golf Memberships? Or Lottery tickets?
Or suing actual states for idiots breaking into schools and shooting children?
Or college professors who believe Sandy Hook is an elaborate hoax to further a political agenda*?
Or how we spend more time playing games, watching tv, playing golf, etc than we do with our families or at church? (That one hurt to write)
Or how many of us walk around in life with a chip on our shoulder, pointing at it, then getting mad when people notice it?
Or how we want to blame our past on our current decisions?
Or how our own laziness has overtaken our desire to work for what we want?
Or how our society has rubber-stamped that that is somehow ok?
Or how we think our kid's accomplishments are an extention of our own parenting ability?
Or how society tolerates anything except for holding firm to your beliefs? (If your beliefs aren't fluid and 'progressive', they aren't tolerable?)
Or how we know more about our favorite sports teams than we do our own jobs? Or Bible? Or spouse?
Or how we think we can treat people with disdain, but expect them to still treat us with respect?
Or how looking out for #1 means pushing down everyone else?
Or how many think if you don't support their cause, you must, by definition, be against it?
Or how Jerry Jones still thinks he can run the Cowboys?
Or how Josh Hamilton thinks the Rangers' fans treated him poorly because he quit on them?
Or how we think when someone you have a generally positive history with does something that hurt us, that's the 'real' them? (See? Assuming the worst in people...)
Or how our stubbornness gets in the way of our friendships?
Or how we can kick the idea of God out of our schools and society and wonder where He is when bad things happen?
Or how we blame God for bad things but don't thank Him for the good ones?
Or how we want to blame mental illness instead of personal decision?
Or how we want to medicate away our problems instead of dealing with them?
Or how we want to coddle our kids instead of empower them?
Or how we want to push social agenda in children's shows?
Or how Nicki Minaj is popular?
Or how we just can't freakin' be happy with what we have?
Or how we think we are always entitled to more? (Just because someone else has it?)
Or how forgiving and forgetting has been replaced by harboring and resenting?
We celebrate stupidity. We revel in dumb.
We really ARE the smartest generation of idiots in collective history.
We have more knowledge, but have less intelligence.

I think maybe my dad had it right a long time ago when I used a calculator on my math homework...
"That thing is gonna make you stupid..."

1 comment:

  1. I like Dorito-Shell Tacos. I like most anything from Taco Bell for a time but then, I have to lay off for a while and come back when the urge hits. My favorite Taco Bell meal: Combination (Beef & Bean) Burrito, Encharito and a Taco (Crunchy).


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