Oh dear lord, I just watched the Republican debates. At
minimum it was entertaining.
Unfortunately, I didn’t get to see the 11-17
debate. But, I went in really wanting to hear and learn. I know very little
about many of these guys and what I DO know is very limited. It was an interesting
look and some confirmed what I suspected. Others really surprised me.
I liked the format and for having so many people on stage,
they did a decent job of spreading the love. But certain people went too long
without air-time then got peppered with a couple to make up for it. That could
have probably been managed better.
My biggest disappointment in the process surprised me. Megyn
Kelly. I love her work. And I’m a sexist pig who thinks she’s pretty dang fun
to look at too. But, she bombed. She came across as vindictive at times. Clearly
agenda-driven. The one thing an interviewing panel can’t do is steer the debate
with questions to ambush the candidates. Let them elevate or hang themselves
organically. I know it’s Fox News, so there’s going to be some of that, but it
was overt and I didn’t appreciate it. Whatever that was last night, it wasn’t
fully fair and wasn’t fully balanced. It felt like she (they) were out to
discredit and attack Trump and push Jeb Bush. Ultimately, each guy is
responsible for his own answers and I think they could have ended up with the
same performance. Sometimes it wasn’t the question but the accusatory (or
opposite) tone, even in voice inflection, that rubbed me wrong.
I know Fox’s reputation and some of it is way overblown.
They earned it this time.
But, each candidate has an opportunity to win my vote and ever-important
Facebook support, because let’s face it… my support (or lack thereof) is going
to boost or bury these guys. We all know this. J
My synopsis:
Dr. Ben Carson – I love his mind. I want his brain leading
this country because I love his thought process, conclusions, common sense and
demeanor. He has no political history so he has no political enemies beyond
natural Democratic predators. That lack of political history/savvy is a problem
though in an age where the job entails as much maneuvering as anything else.
He’s not the most spontaneously eloquent speaker, but don’t mistake that for
being in over his head or lack of understanding. I think he’s measured, honest
and ‘gets it.’ I fear for his ability to garner wide-range support. If there’s
a black guy to vote for just because he’s black, he’s the guy… not the last
one. He stumbled in getting his answers out in time, but I think that has more
to do with his thinking faster than his mouth can move… something that proves
he’s not a career politician. He’s my favorite candidate, but I fear his lack
of political history gives him little chance. Hope I’m wrong. Whoever does win
would do well to use this man as an advisor. DEBATE PERFORMACE: A+
Scott Walker – Moral guy who I have serious problems with. I
liked a few things he said, but most of his answers are based on utopian hope
and not reality. He has good ideas that may work in a perfect scenario, but
this world and the resources the USA has does not allow for his ‘perfect world’
solutions. It’s like asking me what I’d do if I won the lottery. I can dream,
but reality says my budget is limited so I have to make choices. What I WANT
and what I CAN DO are very different. He didn’t seem to grasp that. I also have
a serious problem with him undermining the Iran treaty by leading a groundswell
of Republicans to send a letter saying the deal would be rescinded if a
Republican was elected. I don’t agree with the treaty AT ALL and there other
ways to sabotage the thing, but what he did then was borderline treasonous.
Hard for me to overlook that and this debate didn’t really move the needle for
me much either way. DEBATE PERFORMANCE – C
John Kasich – I knew NOTHING about him coming in. Good
thoughts. Good outlook and thought process. I’m open to learning more about
him, but he’s got some ground to gain. But other than learning about his
existence, I didn’t learn much about what he really believes policy-wise. Seems
like a good guy. A really good guy. I am interested in seeing how he’s received
nationally. He didn’t say or do anything that bothered me and I liked him. But
I don’t think he’s a President. I think he’s good governor material. Those in
the crowd seemed to like him. DEBATE PERFORMANCE – B
Donald Trump – Arrogant. Pompous. Egotistical. I didn’t
learn anything I already didn’t know. I think he hit the right nerve in the
right way at the right time which has organically propelled him into contender
status early and he’s running with it while it lasts. I think as time goes, his
numbers will drop because he’ll be exposed as being an entertaining figure with
no ideas. He says the things we wish our politicians would say but know they
can’t. We all know I’m no fan of political correctness, but I DO think there’s
a need for general courtesy. His views aren’t so bad, but his manner and
demeanor scare the crap out of me. I don’t want him having a hand in ANY kind
of foreign policy. He’s a loose cannon who brings value to the table, but is just…
so… abrasive. And that says a lot coming from me. I appreciate his honesty. I
really do. I just don’t want him leading this country in a global environment.
If the world were JUST Earth of America, I’d consider it. It’s not. I think he
COULD be good for this country but horrible for the world. This debate showed
he’s good for soundbytes and a few good ideas, but no plans. My biggest fear
with him is when he doesn’t get the nomination, he’ll peel off (which he said
he’d consider) and run as an independent. That will hand the Presidential
election to the Democrats. I’m not convinced he’s not a plant to do just that. DEBATE
Chris Christie – He’s one I really wanted to learn about. He
reminds me so much of a former boss it’s scary. Irrelevant to anything, but
whatever. I’m writing this. You aren’t. J
I was impressed. I had a lot of fears about him and need to do more research. I
knew that before, but now I have reason to follow up on that. He impressed me a
lot. Of all the candidates, I’d say his stock rose the highest for me. In NFL
Draft terms, he was the combine warrior who came out of nowhere. Now is he Mike
Mamula or an actual threat, we’ll see. He’s more well spoken than I expected,
which means he will be able to gain support from people who only follow
eloquent speakers. Don’t underestimate the importance of that. That’s largely
what got our current President elected. I won’t say he has my vote yet, but I’m
certainly interested in learning more about him. DEBATE PERFORMANCE – A
Marco Rubio – This guy is interesting. First reaction to him
is I think he may be a bit young, so hopefully if he doesn’t win, he’ll have a
few more runs in him. I liked him a lot. Of those in this debate, he might have
impressed me the most compared to expectations. He used to be the Republican
hope, but fell into hot water regarding some immigration ideas. I didn’t really
follow much of that, but was just aware. Now I see why his stock used to be
high. I loved his answers, demeanor and sharpness. Ironically, his weakness (in
speaking) seems to come when he is in a prepared speech. I actually appreciate
that because it means when he’s answering questions, he’s prepared, has answers
and thinks fast. I certainly need to learn more about him (and all the
candidates), but he was a VERY clear winner to me in this thing. DEBATE
Ted Cruz – I probably know more about Cruz than most of the
other candidates, but that doesn’t mean I know a lot. I’ll be honest, I’ve
never been a huge fan, only because he’s so polarizing. I don’t personally mind
it, but it DOES matter when dealing with others and trying to get things done.
He’s a bulldog but I can never tell if he’s all bark that wants to bite or is
there really substance there. I think he’s smart, but by far, the most polarizing
figure in this whole thing (including Trump). But the more he spoke, the more I
liked his answers. The guy comes across as a smarmy used car salesman, but I’m
not so sure I wouldn’t buy the car! Many of his views are my own. There are
times he does go a bit too far for me, but I at least understand and appreciate
where he’s coming from. Of all the Republican candidates though, I think he’d
have the absolute toughest time garnering bi-partisan support. I understand why
people loathe him, but I’m a little familiar with standing up for beliefs in
the face of opposition because it’s what you believe to be right. He
surprisingly moved up for me. DEBATE PERFORMANCE – A-
Rand Paul – Here’s another I was very interested in seeing.
I’ve got friends who swear by him and I can see why. I know OF him, but have
seen very little of him. He had some good answers and some serious zings. I do
think his alternative approach is refreshing. I trust that he truly wants to be
an honest leader who stands on his principles. But then… he all but buried
himself in my eyes during one exchange with Trump regarding a single-payer
healthcare system. He criticized Trump for advocating a system the Republican
party has been fighting against for years. I’m sorry, but I don’t want someone
toeing the company line. I don’t CARE what the Republican party is for. I care
what a candidate is for. Contrary to popular belief, I’m not a Republican. I’m
obviously conservative, but I’m not into party ideology. If you’re worried
about making sure you’re consistent with party ideology or directive, I have no
use for you. I haven’t fully written him off, but that exchange was VERY
telling. He can have great ideas and hopes, but he showed me his thought
process and I don’t like it one bit. DEBATE PERFORMANCE – C-
Jeb Bush – Strange debate for me to judge. Everything I’ve
seen of him from a personality/engagement perspective was very different than
what I saw tonight. Tonight, he was emphatic, engaging and authoritative. And
I’m not gonna lie… I liked it. A lot. I don’t like his Common Core stuff, but
if the worst thing I can find in him is that, I’m eager to learn more. What I
think is his best attribute may be his biggest problem. He’s politically savvy like
no other candidate. I think he can navigate the political waters better than
anyone else there. But, by definition that means he’s too much ‘establishment’,
so I don’t know where I fully stand on that. It’s a needed skill that I wish
wasn’t necessary. I’ll just have to decide how necessary it will need to be. At
minimum, I no longer fear having to vote for him should he win the nomination.
I may not vote for him in the primaries, but I can get behind what I saw if he
does win the Republican nomination. He comes across to me as the smartest guy
at a poker table full of dummies. That’s not a bad thing. I’m not saying he (or
the others) are dumb. I’m saying he knows tricks and tactics that may be lost
on his opponents. The best poker player in the world can get his butt handed to
him by a table full of donkeys (poker lingo) and I think Bush is that guy. I
think his savvy may be lost on those he’s running against, negating what
advantage he might bring to the table. DEBATE PERFORMANCE – B+
Mike Huckabee – I’ve always liked him, mainly because I know
he’s a devout Christian. But I’ve followed him more and more recently and was
really happy with his debate. Great ideas. Good insight. I trust the source of
his insight. He was one of the major winners here to me. He came across as much
more authoritative than I expected. He didn’t get enough time, but I think he
aced the opportunities he got. I have my doubts about whether the uninformed
voter may take to him. And I have my doubts how those sick of Christianity will
receive him. But he knocked it out of the park in this debate. He was my #2
hope coming into this and did not disappoint. DEBATE PERFORMANCE – A+
So there you have my impressions. While I can only vote for
one in the primaries, there are more people here (at this point) I could at
least support if necessary. That’s a good thing.
Bottom line, Scott Walker, Rand Paul and Donald Trump have
no chance with me without a major miracle. All the other guys I’m still
legitimately open to.
Winners – Carson, Huckabee, Rubio, Bush
Surprises – Christie, Bush, Cruz
While I need to go back and see the 11-17 debate, I don’t
think anyone there has a chance. I know Carly Fiorina apparently had a good
showing. What I saw of Governor Good Hair was actually pretty good, but he just
won’t garner enough support. But, Fiorina scares me a little. Not because she
doesn’t have good ideas, but apparently her private sector track record is
abysmal. Not sure, in a crowded field of surprisingly solid candidates, she isn’t
more talk and less execution.
But we’ll see on all this. Still lots of time for me to
learn more. More time for some of these folks to lose me… or win me.
I liked certain things each candidate offered. If I could
Frankenstein these guys into a perfect candidate, I’d love to. But then, that’d
mean I was running for President. J
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